New Asexual Sex Stories Book – Opportunity To Take Part!!

Happy Pride Month,

It’s almost two years since my Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, Love, Life and Sex, ACElebration of Asexual Diversity bookwent into print and could be obtained globally through Amazon’s very own distribution network, under my own imprint of Quirky Books. Yes, I am a register publisher user that name. That book will always be dear to my heart as not only is it my first book published for asexuals, I learnt such a lot from interviewing all the 46 Asexuals in it. Far more than I would have ever learnt just from reading text book definitions about asexuality. And as always, July will be #APAM, Asexual Perspectives Awareness Month, where each day for 31 days, I have a video with excerpts from the book to celebrate our diversity across the spectrum on my channel

I have decided to write my second asexual book, and am looking for asexuals who want to take part in this book and be interviewed for it, only this one is a bit different. This one is called ASEXUAL SEX STORIES: THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE FUGLY. REAL LIFE ASEXUAL SEX STORIES. So as you might have guessed the people who I am looking for to be interviewed, are asexuals who have had sex before, to share their experiences with others. to help other asexuals who are not sure whether or not they want to try sex and are looking for the good, bad, and damn right fugly things about having sex, so they can make an informed choice and decision about whether they want to try it or not. It will also prove a very insightful read for anyone who is asexual who doesn’t want to experience sex themselves, but has always been curious as to what it feels like for an asexual to have sex.

This book will also be a great read for anyone who is not asexual, but who wants to get a deeper understanding of what sex really feels like for an asexual and to gain greater insight into how an asexual thinks and feels about sex, from a very personal experience point of view.

If you are an asexual who has had sex at some point or know of an asexual friend who has and may like to take part in this book, please can you get them to contact me with the subject line of “I want to be interviewed for your Asexual Sex Stories book!’ 

You will be sent a questionnaire that you need to fill in fully, in order to be considered for this book. Answers need to be in to me by 30th of June 2019, to be considered for publication. All answers will be gone through thoroughly next month, July 2019, and you may be contacted for further information or questions about your answers in that month.

As well as sharing the good, the bad and the ugly of their experience of having sex, interviewee’s will also be asked questions to advise other asexuals who are thinking about having sex for the first time ever and not sure about whether they should do it or not. This book will be available to buy on Amazon, and globally in print under my own imprint of Quirky Books. As with the last book, it will also be in the British Library and others too.

This book came about because I have an aromatic asexual friend who was asking me what do if they were to try sex and because I saw many asexuals in groups saying that when they have had sex before, they did not know what to do with their arms etc, so I thought there is a need for this book. It also gives asexuals a voice to tell others what it really feels like to be asexual and have sex, rather than sexuals just giving their opinion all the time.

If you are looking for asexual merch to celebrate this pride month, please visit my Asexualise shop

Until next time, stay ace

Sandra xx

Asexual Perspectives Answers | What Advice Would You Have Given A Younger Version Of Yourself In Regard To Asexuality?

 Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories bookIn my Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, Love, Life and Sex, ACElebration Of Asexual Diversity book I asked each person I interviewed for the book this question:

If you were to look back at your life, what advice would you have given a younger version of yourself in regard to asexuality?

In Chapter 48, on page 450 of the printed edition of Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, South American Anonymous’s answer to this question is awe-inspiring:

Seriously, I would explain to myself everything I know about orientations and genders right now and I would emphasise that we are not broken, and there’s nothing wrong with being who we are, and what other people say doesn’t matter and we should have more courage to face what’s up ahead. 

In Chapter 45, on page 418 of the printed edition of Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, Claire Evelyn’s answer is short and spot on!

That it is okay to follow your own path and not follow the masses.

In Chapter 20, on page 196 of the printed edition of Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, Geeske Van Der Poel’s answer is important to note:

Asexuality is not wrong, just be who you are. You Should not feel guilty for not giving your parents any grandchildren, either.

In Chapter 13, on page 121 of the printed edition of Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, always remember Dee’s advice:

Don’t have any sex unless you’re confident you want it. 

In Chapter 10, on page 88 of the printed edition of Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, Nikki has valuable advice to share:

Realize earlier that it is ok! I thought for ages that I was just slow to develop the urges and interests everyone my age had and pushed myself to be a participant in sexual culture. I would tell my younger self that I’m fine the way I am and to find the confidence to participate in our sexually charged culture in an asexual way.

If you want more fantastic advice like this, from real life asexuals across the globe, get a copy of my Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, Love, Life and Sex ACElebration of Asexual Diversity book here if you live in the UK or here if you live in the USA It is also available across many other Amazon stores and can be requested from all good book stores in print format, as it’s published using my own publishing imprint of Quirky Books, which is a registered publisher in the UK, and I use Amazon to publish and distribute the books globally for me. I also have the ebook version available at




18 Benefits Of Being Asexual And Not Sexually Attracted To Anyone!

Asexualise T Shirt18 benefits of being asexual and not sexually attracted to anyone!

1 – We can easily say no to those asking for sex.

2 – We can easily block those people who message us to be friends but really want sex.

3 – We can dance in nightclubs and bars, knowing no matter how much someone pleads with us to have sex, the answer is no.

4 – When someone offers in a bar or club to go back to theirs for a drink, we know it means sex and can say a definite no.

5 – We are careful who we add to our Facebook friends list because we have high standards and don’t want sex.

6 – We understand that the majority of people who say let’s do Netflix and chill, really mean let’s have sex and get hot and sweaty.

7 – We don’t have to dress up and put makeup on to be appealing for having sex, we can just chill in our pjs or superhero/cute outfits and have fun.

8 – We can kiss and touch if we want to, without it ever leading to sex.

9 – We cannot get pregnant from all that sex we are not having.

10 – We have more time and energy to do other things and be productive, whilst others are having sex and preparing themselves for it.

11 – We can be trusted to never physically cheat on you, because we don’t ever want sex with anyone. We are more loyal and faithful in this way, by default.

12 – We can experience multiple other attractions, just not sexual. And we can separate these different types of attractions.

13 – We can potentially be in a relationship with someone who is impotent, celibate, or who has a disability which prevents them from having sex. Because we don’t ever need sex. And we can love them as they are.

14 – Our love for someone is based more on a person’s personality, and their heart, mind, and soul, because we don’t need their genitals to keep up happy and attract us to them.

15 – Our love is based on a deep emotional connection, that needs to be maintained and sustained, to have a long, loving, happy, healthy, relationship, because it’s not based on sex but bestest ever friendship and soulmate connection. In this way it’s the purest love you can get, as genitals are not involved.

16 – Asexuals who want a serious relationship are more likely to put the time, energy, and effort, into getting a relationship and making it work, as it’s rarer for us to be able to get someone in the first place.

17 – Asexuals are more likely to get into relationships with people they have lots in common with, such as hobbies and interests, so there is more chance of longevity.

18 – Asexuals are different and their uniqueness is their gift the world. We are free of conditioning and social conformities, and have the ability to see people and the world, in a completely different way to everyone else. Which is like a superpower and special gift.


These are 18 benefits of asexuals who are not sexually attracted to anyone! Asexuality is a spectrum, so in general, those on the Grey Asexual end of the asexual spectrum, can sometimes feel sexual attraction, under limited, rare, or specific circumstances. Or they can experience it, but not enough to want to act on it.

Also some asexuals can cheat emotionally and also I have known of a few who are chatting up multiple women at once, or in a relationship and still pursuing another with someone else.

Some asexuals who love sexuals, can find it hard to say no to having sex, or to stop the connection. This is why it’s super important to be upfront and honest about the fact you are asexual before you get into a relationship, especially if you don’t want sex at all. Remember it’s your body and your life, and you always have the ability to walk away. And if you discovered you are asexual while in a relationship, always remember, it’s better to be single, than to be with someone who is sexually incompatible and you can’t make each other happy. There are a few sexuals who can be in relationships with asexuals without sex, and if you are an asexual person who doesn’t mind having sex, then a relationship with a sexual person could work, depending on if you can both agree on standards, boundaries, and expectations for the relationship, both now and for your future together, to be happy and satisfying to both/all people concerned.

I’m back online! But it’s not that simple!

It’s Friday 22nd March 2019, and I’m back online! But it’s not that simple! was offline for some time due to being hacked, to protect your online safety while I got the issue fixed. I deleted all infected files and used an old site backup from last year, which over-rides the current site and in the process, consequently deleted all the blog posts from November 5th inclusive.

One of my new friends recently said, that he believes in miracles as he experiences them every day. And I was thrilled to see another version of my site – the December version, on my IPad. So I am able to re-type up, and re-publish, 6 of those previous posts! (I still wish I had the others.) The beauty of this, is if you missed any, you will be able to catch up with them in close succession. So I best get typing them up. Good job I love write and blog! I hope you enjoy the new theme and look of this site? Please let me know what you think of it in the comments below!

Until next time, stay ace.

Sandra xx


New Asexualise Asexual Merchandise Page Super Simple To Use New Asexual Merch Page Shop For Asexualise Merch On

Asexualise Asexual Merch #asexuality

I have a new Asexualise Asexual Merchandise page that is super simple to use. It has separate links to every product category within my See all those categories on the left of the screenshot above; you can click through each one individually to find the product you want, super quickly. Or if you can click on those links below directly from this blog post!

Click on any of the individual product category links below to take you through to the relevant page for the designs of that item in my Asexualise Redbubble Shop.

Acrylic Blocks

Art Boards

Art Prints

Canvas Prints


Drawstring Bags


Duvet Covers

Framed Prints

Galaxy Cases & Skins

Greetings Cards

Hardcover Journals

iPad Cases & Skins

iPhone Cases & Covers

iPhone Wallets

Laptop Skins


Metal Prints

Mini Skirts


Photographic Prints

Pillows & Cushions




Spiral Notebooks


Studio Pouches

Sweatshirts & Hoodies


Tank Tops

Tote Bags

Wall Tapestries

Shop worldwide for Asexualise Asexual Merchandise at my Redbubble shop by clicking through the individual item labels above, or here

You can access this new asexual Asexualise “Merch” page here, or from the ‘Merch’ Tab at this site, or currently from the home page. Shop now for Asexualise Merch on

Happy Shopping.

Sandra xx

Value Your Worth Enough To Walk Away Sooner! Look for these red flags! #asexuality #relationships #dating

In this video, which I broadcast on Asexual Awareness Week (21st-27th of Oct 2018), I explain why it is much better for you to value your worth and walk away sooner rather than later. I speak of red flags, inconsistencies of behaviour, and a lack of investment in you! If there are any red flags it’s much better for you to value your worth and walk away sooner rather than later. Look out for these red flags!self

Until next time, stay Ace

Sandra xx


Asexual Perspectives
Asexual Perspectives Book


One asexual from my Asexual Friends group was asking about my Asexual Perspectives book and did not realise that the 47 stories are real life asexual experiences of what it really means to be asexual in this sexualised world. This 560 page book took me a year to write and I interviewed asexuals from all over the globe and across the asexual spectrum. The best thing about this book is it is NOT A BOOK OF TEXT BOOK DEFINITIONS OF ASEXUALITY, IT IS A COLLECTION OF REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES that SHOWS you THE DIVERSITY OF THE ASEXUAL SPECTRUM, and can deepen your under of asexuality as a whole, with many relatable stories.

When you first discover you are asexual, it is like you have found your FREEDOM, and a HUGE weight has been lifted from your shoulders. I constantly get asked questions about asexuals and asexuality and this book answers all of them and so much more:

Can asexuals masturbate?
Can I still be asexual if I watch porn?
Can an asexual have a relationship with a sexual and make it work?
Can asexuals really find love and a relationship with another asexual?
If I have had sex in the past, but have no desire for it now and have not for some time, could I still be asexual?
What advice would you give to someone who is just discovering they are asexual?

In this book you will find out the answers to all those questions and so much more.

In this book you will read stories of how difficult it is being asexual in a sexualised world, how people ALWAYS knew they were different, but did not know why or how! BUT you will also read what the POSITIVES TO BEING ASEXUAL are.

In this book you will:

•Learn the asexual perspectives of Aromantics; Heteroromantics; Homoromantics; Panromantics; Grey Aces; Demi-sexual; Biromantic; Agender; Transgender; Polyamorous and many more.

•Uncover Asexuals’ deepest fears, concerns and worries about being asexual.

•Find out possible reasons why, in general, society does not accept asexuality as a sexual orientation in its own right and what we can do about this to change the world!

•Discover what asexuals really believe are the differences between sexual attraction, sexual desire and arousal.

•Find out what asexuals really think of nudity; porn; masturbation; BDSM and kinks.

•Discover what it feels like to have sex as an asexual and how to cope with the sexualized world that we live in.

•Find out what asexuals think about living together, about marriage and about having kids.

•Discover what an ideal asexual relationship would look like and whether asexuals believe a relationship with a sexual would be fair or not.

•Find out what advice asexuals would give to a younger version of themselves regarding asexuality and what advice they would give to others who are just discovering they may be asexual.

Asexual Perspectives is 47 Real Life Asexual Stories and makes the ideal self-love gift or a gift for that asexual friend! Perfect for a Christmas treat.

You can get it directly from Amazon here

What Is A Cupioromantic? Can Aromantic Asexuals Be Romantic?

What is a Cupioromantic? You may come across this term on asexual dating sites and in asexual groups and forums. But what does it mean to be a Cupioromantic? A Cupioromantic is someone who is aromantic and although lacking in romantic attraction, still desires a romantic relationship! But in practise what does this mean! And can aromantics really be romantic, if they lack romantic attraction? Watch this video to find out more!

In case you didn’t know, there are both Asexual aromantics – those who lack sexual attraction and romantic attraction and sexual aromantics – those who lack romantic attraction but who are still sexual and experience sexual attraction.


Asexual Perspectives Book Print Edition – OUT SOON!

It took my about a year to write, interview for, and edit, my Asexual Perspectives book Kindle edition. This was a triumph in itself, but many of you have wanted to read it as a printed physical book for so long. So I am pleased to say that it will be out in print, very soon!!!

UPDATE: Asexual Perspectives Book print edition is out now and you can buy it here