I am so happy to have been interviewed on the Freestyle Your Life (FLY) Podcast about my personal asexual journey and about asexuality. My asexual journey has been a transformational one.
My Discovery:
In March/April 2014 I discovered I am a heteroromantic asexual. I am attracted to guys romantically not sexually. I don’t get the need, urge, or want, for partnered sexual intercourse. I love kissing especially and cuddling, but not sex. Yes, I had sex in the past because I thought I had to as part of a ‘normal’ relationship, as we are all conditioned to believe since birth. Yes, I did say conditioned, but sex is not for everyone. Love without sex, does exist. One of my asexual friends is getting married to his asexual partner next month and I couldn’t be more happy for them.
More About Me:
If you are new to this website and blog and you didn’t already know, I am the Author of this beautifully insightful book about Asexuality, called Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, Love, Life and Sex, ACElebration of Asexual Diversity. So if you want to read more about my personal asexual story you can read about it in my book here https://amzn.to/2YEGD2y Or here if you live in the USA https://amzn.to/30nTarT Or worldwide at https://www.sellfy.com/quirkybooks.net or you can order the paperback version from all good book shops around the globe under Quirky Books – yes, that’s my own publishing imprint.

I am also the founder of this site and www.asexualiseacademy.com
I design and sell merchandise for asexuals on Amazon and Redbubble
I also live stream daily on my www.youtube.com/asexualisemyasexuallife channel.
My Freestyle Your Life Podcast Interview:
My podcast interview with Freestyle Your Life, goes live on Tuesday 9th July 2019 on ITunes, Stitcher and Spotify. It will be available to listen to from midnight on 8th of July, so you can listen to it on the 9th, no matter what country you are in. I had a lot of synergy with this presenter as she is all about being your true authentic self, no matter what, and has a hugely powerful personal story of overcoming adversity herself.
These are the links where my episode, (episode 26), will be live to listen to from the 9th of July 2019!
This is the exact link to my specific episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep026-how-to-embrace-your-quirky-asexuality-sandra/id1458343184?i=1000443926237
You can find my episode on Spotify at number 26!
I hope you enjoy listening to it!
As always, stay ace.
Sandra xx