I have to admit this is embarrassing to write, because I am sharing something so personal with you, which I never thought I would ever talk about publicly. But if it helps just one person, like you, it’s worth sharing!
When you are sick, it sucks. There is no doubt about that. Extra pain on top of pain, can hurt like hell!
(If you didn’t know I have been having a lot of pelvic pain due to an infection, I had to have antibiotics for this, which ended yesterday. I also went to the Doctor’s yesterday and have two creams, 1 for inflammation and another for ringworm on my arm!!!
Hence why I haven’t been streaming on my Asexualise channel for almost a week .)
But… when you are right about something and something is working, you shouldn’t try to fix something that isn’t broken.
However, sometimes you want to test the waters, and you break things, in order to improve other things, in theory!
But… sometimes the reality is, you were succeeding and doing so well. You changed something and then you see a decline in your health in more ways than 1.
I recently removed 2 food items, one that I eat almost daily and one that I eat at least 3 times a week, but haven’t done so for the last week. Result is poor skin, poor bowel movements… to add to my infection problem. I instantly added 1 back when I thought about what I changed, result, literally back to normal bowel movement, instead of straining on the toilet for 20 minutes, feeling like you are about to give birth! Only what pops out, or doesn’t and you have to help it, is pretty yucky to the eye!
The other 1 key ingredient to not just get healthier skin, but to decrease inflammation in multiple areas of your body, and providing less pain and more body flexibility, I go back to eating this tonight… If you have read my Fibromyalgia Self-Help Handbook, you will know what this key ingredients is. Here is the link. If you haven’t got your copy yet, get it now, before it’s too late and you end up in pain like I was last night https://amzn.to/2DuR9nn
And yes, I recommend to eat this every day, or at least every other day, 4th day without this, and your health is a goner! This hasn’t happened before as far as I can remember, unless I am on holiday and can’t get this ingredient! I have never actively chosen to not eat this, since 2014. It wasn’t that I intended to not ever eat it again, I just wanted to have a change! Sometimes change can be a good thing, in this case, not… it’s what can happen if you don’t take this…
I admit I give great advice in my books, which sometimes even I don’t always take every bit of, for myself, consistently. My friends who buy my books end up quoting my own wise words back to me. I need to re-read them to give myself a refresher! Which I do! I am not perfect and I cock-up every now and then. I hold my hand up. This has been a major cock-up for my health, but I have learned so much from this experience… and a good lesson to learn. Remove one variable at a time and you get shit, or not – as was the case with the first food, before I added it back.
I never planned to do a health experiment. But what I have learned once again, is to always, always, trust your own judgement, and when something is right, even though it may not be doing what the majority do, keep it! And if others want to be helped too by it, then that’s great! At least you know that you are 100% right, and it works crazily well and can help others if they want it to.
By now I guess you are wondering what luscious food I eat to maintain regular bowel movement and stop yourself from blocking up. So the big reveal… Hazelnut+Cacao Paleo Bars, which you can get here https://amzn.to/3erQksx They are made of fruits and nuts only, cold pressed, no crap, just good food to feed your body! And better than eating chocolate. Also suitable for vegetarians and gluten free.
If you want to know the other food ingredient, to not just get healthier skin, but to decrease inflammation in multiple areas of your body, and provide less pain and more body flexibility, get a copy of my Fibromyalgia Self-Help Handbook. Why get the book? Because it also has a whole holistic plan, for managing Fibromyalgia, so if you have a chronic pain condition although you need this essential food, you also need it as part of a holistic health regime I go through in each chapter of the book, to have less pain, more energy, feel happier, and not just eat this and do nothing else. If you haven’t got your copy yet, get it now, before it’s too late and you end up in pain with no remedy to get your life back on track. Here is the link https://amzn.to/2DuR9nn
I know you are probably thinking why can’t I just tell you the ingredient. But I made the mistake of telling one asexual person about the ingredient without them getting the overall holistic plan which is provided by each chapter of the book. Which includes foods not to eat that are killing your energy. So they can’t live life to the fullest, because they still have a lack of energy by eating the wrong foods that zap their energy. It’s not their fault. You don’t know what you don’t know. And now I feel bad, like it’s my fault, as I really wanted to help them, but realise I didn’t. So I won’t share it again out of context. Amazon usually refund you as per their policy, if you don’t feel you learn anything from the book and aren’t happy for any reason with it, so you have nothing to lose anyway.
Even if you don’t have Fibro, it can still help to reduce your pain and give you more energy, so you feel happier, https://amzn.to/2DuR9nn And I do talk about asexuality in a chapter of the book, so tell your friends to help spread awareness of asexuality too.