WHOPPING 50% Off Autobiographical Superhero-Style Fibromyalgia Self-Help Handbook – Less Pain, More Energy, Happier

To celebrate ACE Fibro Girl Awareness Month this month I’m now offering a WHOPPING 50% off the Kindle version and £3.00 off the paperback version of my autobiographical superhero-style Fibromyalgia Self-Help Handbook: How To Manage Fibromyalgia, Have Less Pain, More Energy, Feel Happier, Like A Superhero Rockstar – here https://amzn.to/44lovfd

This book is inclusive of asexuality and please note ACE Fibro Girl on the front cover (ACE = Asexual).

For a limited time only – (ends August 31st).

It’s a great book to help you combat depression and manage anxiety better – even if you don’t have fibro.

It explains how to reduce pain in 25 aspects of your life, most of which are applicable, even if you don’t have fibromyalgia.

It’s a non-fiction personal development self-help development book in disguise, that I know can help you to live your best life… with less pain, more energy and happiness.

Told in an informative super-hero-style entertaining way, it’s sure to bring a simile to your heart and insight to your mind…

This is the first time I have done such a reduction on this book, across all Amazon Marketplaces, since I published it in 2019, so don’t miss out on these best prices… Grab your copy here now https://amzn.to/44lovfd


If you feel like fibromyalgia is ruining your life and taking over it, if fibromyalgia leaves you feeling depleted in energy, in constant pain, and you are sick and tired of struggling, of feeling depressed, hopeless and helpless, and you desperately want to relieve your symptoms of pain, feel more energy and be happier, you need this book. I am living proof that it really doesn’t have to be that way. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2012, yet I have the most energetic, happy, vibrant and fulfilling life ever, since my diagnosis and in spite of it, but what’s my secret? My mission is to empower you to live a more energetic, vibrant and fulfilling life, in spite of your fibro, using unconventional methods, simple techniques and concrete ways that really work!

In this book you’ll learn:

How to manage fibromyalgia in a truly new and revolutionary holistic way, without the need for meds, CBD Oil, or patches, to get your fibromyalgia working for you instead of against you. •How to manage your fibromyalgia in 25 aspects of your life, to reduce your pain. With practical, helpful, simple and easy to follow, actionable advice, that is straight to the point and really works. •How to take back control of your life; have more happiness; more energy and more freedom from your pain, so you own your fibro and it doesn’t own you. •How to maintain and sustain having less pain, more energy and feeling happier, to live a better quality of life. •The exact antidotes to save yourself from pain. •The right mindset you need to have to effectively reduce your pain. •What foods to eat and not to eat to ease your pain. •What footwear to buy to stop your feet from swelling most of the time. •How to stop depression and make it a thing of the past. •How to reduce your anxiety and worry less.

This revolutionary Fibromyalgia Self-Help Handbook is not a cure for fibromyalgia, but a complete holistic system for managing your fibromyalgia that literally gives you the antidotes to save yourself from pain. It shows you a unique way to manage your fibromyalgia, step-by-step, which you will never have seen before. By being more informed about what’s most effective for coping with fibromyalgia from someone who has fibromyalgia, who understands your plight, frustrations and problems that fibromyalgia gives you, you’ll be able to implement positive action steps that will dramatically improve the quality of your life. Within this book, you will discover the insider secrets and effective strategies to managing and reducing your pain, so much so, that your fibromyalgia becomes insignificant! Think of this book as your fibro bible and blueprint for how to be your best self, and live your best life!

This book exposes you to the real truth about why you are suffering with fibromyalgia and what keeps your pain locked inside you. It gives you the formula to unlock it, release it, and free yourself forever from your pain as much as possible, so you can truly thrive and flourish in spite of your fibro.

In a nutshell, you will discover the secret formula for long lasting mental health and happiness, and how to be your own superhero to save yourself from pain! This is THE ONE fibromyalgia book you’ll never want to be without.

So if you value your quality of life, if you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, with living in agony, pain and misery, with little energy and hope for the future, and it’s making you feel depressed, if you have decided you can no longer go on like this and you need practical, helpful advice, you can put into action instantly to start making dramatic changes rapidly, to feel better, forever, this book IS DEFINITELY FOR YOU! Don’t waste another moment of your precious life suffering, when you don’t have to, buy now https://amzn.to/44lovfd

As always, stay ACE

Sandra xx