The Life and Perspectives of an Asexual – Asexual Best Selling Author Sandra Bellamy Interviewed On Sense Of Soul Podcast

I was absolutely delighted to be featured on Shanna Vavra’s Sense of Soul Podcast, which is a spirituality podcast, talking about asexuality and my spiritual life mission regarding asexuality @senseofsoulpodcast

I was interviewed as best selling author of Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories book –  on Shanna Vavra’s Sense Of Soul Podcast – About The Life and Perspectives of an Asexual on ITunes here 


You can also listen to my interview – The Life and Perspectives of an Asexual, on Shanna Vavraโ€™s YouTube here

And on my own YouTube Asexualise My Asexual Life channel here

In this interview me and Shanna:

* Discuss my personal journey from thinking I was heterosexual for years and having sex, to discovering I’m asexual and I’ve now been sex free for years.

* Clarify what it means to be asexual, different types of asexuals – including grey asexual and pure asexual, and different types of relationships people might have if they’re asexual.

* Explore topics covered in my up and coming book: Asexual Guide To Sex book and why I chose to write this book.

* Why it’s so important to get asexuality recognised as a sexual orientation in its own right throughout the globe.

* Bust through myths of asexuality.

* And so much more….

Listen and download the episode here: on ITunes here


Watch an interview highlight here:

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Becoming An Asexual Entrepreneur On Dreams ARE Real Podcast Interview

As asexuality is a sexual orientation largely based on a lack of sexual attraction, it can be hard to make our own voice heard.

Especially as sexual stereotypes and societal conditioning tell everyone that it’s natural to like, want, and need sex, and that anyone who says otherwise must be lying or have something wrong with them.

People tend to discard what they don’t understand.

They tend to disregard what is considered as “not” normal.

And they tend to feel extremely uncomfortable when something doesn’t fit in with their ideology.

But I encourage you to always stand proud of who you are, and to stop listening to what other people say, that drowns out the sound of your own voice.ย ๐Ÿ˜

Asexuals have as much right to speak out about how they think and feel, including if they don’t like, want, or need sex, and have the right to be taken seriously.ย ๐Ÿ˜

Just because asexuality is a minority sexuality, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong and not normal.

It’s normal for SOME people to not like, want, need, or get the urge for, partnered sexual intercourse, ever.ย ๐Ÿ˜

Don’t let anyone blind you into believing we are all the same – because we are not.

There ARE people who never want sex, and that’s okay.ย ๐Ÿ˜

The only reason most people don’t speak out, is because other’s ridicule them and tell you, you can’t be who you are born to be.

I am here to show you, you can.

That your life is your own and that speaking up, in your own voice, is essential to live your own life dreams and no one else’s. Regardless of your sexuality.

That’s why I’m thrilled to be able to give a voice to the voiceless, and share my own asexual life journey of how I became known as The Asexual Entrepreneur and explain what it feels like to be asexual in this highly sexualised world, and how to live your asexual dreams and be your true authentic self, no matter what, on the Dreams ARE Real podcast.

Don’t miss this ACE episode by listening through either of the links below, now, and tell me what you think…