Asexual Kindle Short Reads: What Are Asexual Kindle Short Reads Books?

Asexual Kindle Short Reads Books  

“Great Stories in One Sitting”


What Are Asexual Kindle Short Reads Books

Asexual Kindle Short Reads books, are digital Kindle Books which have been designed to be read in one sitting, as opposed to being read in days or even weeks! This is fantastic if you are a slow reader or got lots of projects on the go at once, or you lead a very busy life!

You can get Kindle Short Read books in many different genres which take different lengths of time to read: 15 minutes | 30 minutes | 45 minutes | One hour | 90 minutes | 2 hours or more. Although if you are an uber slow reader like me, you may take a while longer. I like to savor every asexy word and take it deep in my mind to analyze my feelings and thoughts on it! Do you do the same? Comment below and share your thoughts, I love to read you! is the place to be, for both long and short books about Asexuality.

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I JUST POSTED THIS ON MY PERSONAL TIMELINE – but it’s IMPORTANT YOU READ THIS TOO, as I have been reflecting a lot lately and making life decisions that MAY AFFECT YOU TOO.

?GIVING YOU A HEADS UP NOW! Been reflecting a lot lately and so glad I am finally going out dancing, and in a place where they have foreign music, foreign guys, and I can dance to foreign tunes and most people are in their 20s, which matches my soul interests and the dancing is such an amazing freeing feeling that finally my soul can achieve and be nourished. I plan to go out dancing in my city far more, as it is so healthy for my mind, body and soul, and I am not a ‘going to the gym’ or ‘routine exercise class’ person. I want to dance in the way I like to for hours on end, and be in an atmosphere that naturally matches my 21st mindset soul and inner being. I like to be around young guys, not around guys near my birth certificate age, and that piece of paper is not me and not true to who I am. I am very grateful and thankful to be born, but that age, is not one I choose to live or be, it’s really not me and makes me unhappy and even miserable sometimes if I let it get its way or in atmospheres or doing things that trigger that or provoke it into action!

I am also going back to focusing on my life purpose which is WRITING and to change lives through the written word – writing is my number one passion in my life and my life purpose – followed very closely by asexuality.


I will write some books that you will love and adore, but I will also write books that you may not agree with or not like – that is okay, you don’t have to read them and you can go on your own life path and ignore those ones – but I have to write them before I die to be blunt. I want to help as many people as possible with my knowledge and worrying about what people think is not any good for me.

‼️WARNING There is a very controversial book I plan to write and there is a NEED for it, I started writing it a while ago after I got a PM from an Asexual friend, but it is for a very niche amount of people – So I am giving you a heads up right now that some of you will not like it – some asexuals want to have sex or try it for the sake of their partner and they keep coming for my help in PM, afraid and scared and not knowing what to do – and yes, I used to be in heterosexual relationships for half of my life before I discovered I am asexual – I had sex and am experienced in that – even though I no longer want it for me. I have never experienced a need, urged want for it, but yes, I could fully feel it and experience it, probably in part due to the fact I am very sensitive, emotional, and I have high arousal levels – which I cannot help and in the past mistook for sexual attraction. I am also sexual in behaviour with the way I like to kiss with my clothes on – it can feel extreme and scary even for me. I like to get naturally excited with my clothes on, but sex does not appeal to me in the slightest – and yes, my ex was good at sex, but I am not liking sex or wanting it ever again, passionate kissing is a much bigger excitement for me and more explosively pleasurable if you must know, and I do not want sex ever again. I would rather not have had sex in the past and just had the kissing and maybe some touching when in a relationship – that is my dream relationship now – to have love without any sex, but plenty of romance, deepest ever soulmate connection, and deepest ever best friendship, with tons of proactive consistent communication, and making me a priority in his life, a guy loving my for my personality and all of those things mentioned, more than anything else, and first and foremost, but yes, I also NEED close passionate kissing in a relationship, with the tongue, bodies intertwined with clothes on, with the right younger foreign asexual guy in his 20s (in the UK permanently – if I ever find one). So yeah, I will be writing a book about hetero-sex for asexuals who want to try it and have no clue what to do. Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction, not necessarily the lack of sexual behaviour, although the full definition is the “lack of sexual attraction AND/OR little to no interest in sexual activities” – notice the AND/OR. So if you have problem with that and no longer want to be my friend that is fine – you can go ahead and de-friend me and no hard feelings, but I will not live my life by other people’s mindset and rules – that is not my life, it is yours. I am glad for every asexual that is still a virgin – I think it’s good for you and you are not missing out at all. I am glad there are thousands of asexuals around the globe who have never had sex, that is amazing, and I am proud of you for doing that and staying that way and think it is very healthy for you. I am happy for every asexual who does not have any arousal or sexual behaviour whatsoever, that is fantastic – I am happy for you to be you and me to be me, naturally. I don’t think it is right for any asexuals who do feel aroused or who like doing some things that may be sexual in behaviour, to feel invalidated, guilty or wrong. We are all very different. I believe I was born to be a mixture of some parts of the asexual spectrum, through my life experience, in order to help others. So if you are not comfortable with me helping those asexuals who want to try sex, rather than having a go at me or being unhappy because I am doing that as well as all the no sex ever is fantastic videos and posts, – which in my opinion it is, then please go and be happy and leave my friends list as I do not want to be the cause of your upset or pain. I just need to help as many people as possible, regardless of what you think and believe, and I cannot please everyone.

?To all of my asexual friends who love and support me regardless – and of course all of my many very beautiful sexual friends, who I also love and adore, thank you so very, very much, for accepting me for who I am and caring about me for me. Thanks for continuing to support my mission, my life, my passion and my joys, and for also being and staying with me through those rough and tough times. I love you mountains and thanks for always being in my life, even if it is just silently at times. xxxxxxxx Hugs xxxxxxxx ? Celebrating being me.