First Ever ASEXUAL PERSPECTIVES AWARENESS MONTH #APAM: 1ST-31ST OF JULY 2017. ACElebration Of Asexual Diversity! Founded by Sandra Bellamy/Asexualise!

Ace Awareness Month
First Ever: ASEXUAL PERSPECTIVES AWARENESS MONTH #APAM JULY 1ST-JULY 31ST 2017! ACElebration Of Asexual Diversity!

In conjunction with the printed version of my Asexual Perspectives book being published in print, to celebrate our diversity across the asexual spectrum, and our individuality within it – A central core message from the book – I have founded Asexual Perspectives Awareness Month from 1st-31st of July 2017. (Please use #APAM in your Tweets and social media to join in the celebration.) Like and and follow me on Twitter, at to join in the celebration. There will be quotes from the book, fun challenges you will want to get involved in, videos, Facebook Lives, posts and more!! Also subscribe to to watch a new video every day for 31 days!

I love as I have made some great friends on there, I think it is an amazing community and I organise asexual meet-ups in my city of Exeter in the UK too. However, after being told in a forum thread  by a member of the community, that I could not identify as a heteroromantic Grey A – because I did not fit the Grey A definition as they saw it, I felt rejected and singled out by that individual, and other people said in a PM that they had had similar experiences. I thought this can’t be right, we should be celebrating our diversity across the spectrum and our individuality within it, not tearing each other apart – and this is what sparked the idea for my Asexual Perspectives book. I wanted to show just how wonderful our diverse spectrum is and get different points of views from across the spectrum, on love, life and sex, and to also bust through the many myths and stereotypes about asexuality, to give better understanding towards one another. (More recently, I even got told I could not identify as an asexual cougar by someone in my own Asexual Friends because they did not like the word cougar!!) I really hope this Asexual Perspectives Awareness Month, and this book, can bring us together more as a community!!

The printed version will be available to buy on Amazon next month 560 pages of acesomeness!! Here is the link to the Kindle version!

Asexual Perspectives
Asexual Perspectives: 47 Asexual Stories: Love, Life and Sex, ACElebration of Asexual Diversity.

Asexual Perspectives Print Edition – More Book for Your Buck!

After painstaking months of working with the typesetter on my Asexual Perspectives book from January until around the end of March/beginning of April, and still having typesetting issues that needed to be sorted, and having spent another 3 nights last week, working on all those issues, I am relieved that I could finally print this final 560 page book proof, before I order a copy to check from Amazon, so I can finally hit the publish button to the world. Not long to go now… I cannot wait to hold this book in my hand!!

I must have edited it well over 15 times, considering all the editing I did prior to the typesetting, and it has gone through a final proof read and edit these past two days, and I am doing the typing up of those as we speak. I love writing but all the book formatting stuff is tough!!

Making a full-time living out of writing, is my dream, and my hugest passion is for asexuality, I really want to write more books for asexuals, as this is my huge specialist niche and I truly believe that I am born to get asexuality recognised as a sexual orientation in its own right throughout the globe, so that no asexual have to live in fear of ridicule ever again. The more people who buy, share, like, and give good reviews for this Asexual Perspectives book, the more that will help with this. I really need more amazing reviews, so when you get a copy, please could you leave one? It will really help me out!! Thank you!!

With 560 pages of insights into asexuality and how asexuals survive in a sexualised world; how they manage their relationships, and busting through many asexual myths and stereotypes about love, live and sex; including arousal and masturbation, it will be an intriguing read and answer many questions you may have about asexuality that are constantly on your mind, causing you confusion and frustration! It is told in the voices of 46 different asexuals around the globe, using their own language, dialects, slang and mannerisms! As well as my own. It took me almost a year to interview for it; write/edit it, so you are getting more book for your buck!! It is not only educational, but humorous too!!

Until next time, check out the Kindle Version and stay ace! xx

UPDATE: Asexual Perspectives Print Edition is out now and you can buy it here

Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories book and Author Sandra Bellamy

Asexual Perspectives Book Print Edition – OUT SOON!

It took my about a year to write, interview for, and edit, my Asexual Perspectives book Kindle edition. This was a triumph in itself, but many of you have wanted to read it as a printed physical book for so long. So I am pleased to say that it will be out in print, very soon!!!

UPDATE: Asexual Perspectives Book print edition is out now and you can buy it here




Asexual Perspectives Book
Asexual Perspectives: 47 Asexual Stories: Love, Life and Sex, ACElebration of Asexual Diversity.
I’ve had an amazing 5 Star book review for Asexual Perspectives on Amazon.
Top Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars – before there was the relative wealth of information and acknowledgement that there is today – I think this book is a great idea
By David1879 on 10 Mar. 2017
Verified Purchase
I’m writing this as someone who realised and rationalised his own asexuality a while back, before there was the relative wealth of information and acknowledgement that there is today – I think this book is a great idea and could be beneficial for many reasons. A few of the contributors have found ways to explain in such relatable terms, something that may be a struggle to put across to somebody who may be unfamiliar of asexuality. Any young people who may feel unsure of themselves or those just beginning to explore the possibility that they may be asexual should find something that rings true to them in this book. I’m sure it will be a helpful tool to them, showing them that many others have had this experience. Or allowing them to find a way to tell a friend or family member with clarity that ‘I am ace, and what that means is…’.
And for older aces, or even those just curious about asexuality- taken as a collection of experiences, it’s interesting to discover the common ground and massive variations across all the entries. For some it’s an intrinsic part of their personality and for others it’s a mundane fact they barely give a thought to.
If it had been around when I was younger it would have provided a certain amount of relief to come across this book and I hope it will do that for others now it’s here.
I have also changed my book cover wording to now read  Asexual Perspectives: 47 Asexual Stories: Love, Life and Sex, ACElebration of Asexual Diversity. ( I added the stories part.)
To buy from Amazon UK:
To buy from Amazon USA:

ASEXUAL PERSPECTIVES BOOK: What is the hardest part of writing a book? BEHIND THE SCENES PART ONE.


What is the hardest part of writing a book? BEHIND THE SCENES PART ONE. What is the hardest part of writing a book? Special Edition Video Series. In this video series I give you a behind the scenes look at what it is really like to be a writer and author. Part Two, in the next blog post, shows more of the making of the book and my daily routine.

UPDATE: This book is out now in both digital Kindle format as well as paperback here

Happy New Year 2017! Happy Acemas T Shirt

New Year Celebration at my parent’s – wearing my ‘Frozen’ crown!
My furry kid daughter Angel with her ‘Baby’s First Christmas’ card.
My furry kid daughter Chestnut with her Daughter Christmas card.
At my parent’s home over Christmas. My mechanical musical Christmas Trees and Santas are on top of this piece of furniture.
The little Fiber Optic Christmas Tree at my parent’s
The Christmas Tree in my hallway in my home.
Happy New Year – the crown I am wearing is from the ‘Frozen’ movie.

Happy New Year 2017. I hope your Christmas was amazing and your new year is even better and ace.

I spent over 6 hours yesterday at my parent’s home, editing the final bits of my Asexual Perspectives book. The book is essentially written in full. I am just tidying up some bits before publishing. I still need to do the table of contents and reajust the formatting for Kindle, create a cover and then it’s all systems go! I hope to get it published by this Sunday 8th of January. The printed version, will come later by popular demand.

Until next time, have an acesome start to the year and always stay ace!

Looking for an Asexual Christmas T Shirt? Check out my Asexualise Happy Acemas T Shirt here

Or go to my Redbubble shop here

Feeling Alone In A Sexualised World!

Feeling alone is a sexualised world can be tough. I remember from a very young age that I hated the concept of doctors and nurses and felt invaded when I was put in that position by a boy at only 6 years of age. To me it wasn’t playing, it was disgusting, but I felt I had to oblige and then felt guilty about it for years afterwards, because I knew it was wrong, or a least it was to me!

I am not saying every asexual feels like this, but this is what I experienced and would still feel if I was put in that position today. The day I found out I am asexual I was amazed at the concept that love without sex existed and there was hope that finally I would meet a guy I can be romantic with, without him requesting or expecting sex from me. I could choose to decide never to have sex again and it was okay – ‘I don’t want it, don’t need it and not having it’, was like a breath of fresh air to me. It was like finally I don’t have to have sex. In the past I did, but not anymore. This is the true me, the real me. Don’t get me wrong, I do class myself as a Grey A, not because I ever want sex, like the stereotypical Grey A is boxed and labeled to be – yes, even asexuals get stereotyped or so closely defined that there may not be an exact tick box that you fit, but you decide what you feel most comfortable with describing you. But because I think I am a bit of an asexy kissing seducer with clothes on! But this is it, clothes come off? No thank you. It doesn’t excite me to get my clothes off and I don’t find the naked body appealing, although I do like my own naked body, particularly my top half and yes, as a heteroromantic I only get attracted to guys and if I were to see a part of my ace boyfriend naked, if I had a boyfriend, which I don’t, it would be his arms and shoulders that I would like to see, and at best his chest naked – I get attracted to a guy’s face and frame, not his dangly bits!

Now I realise if you are reading this and not a Grey A asexual, that some of the things I just mentioned to do with my Grey A bits, may be too asexy – or even considered too sexual for you, particularly the word ‘excited’, like if she is ace why would she like to get physically excited, but I do like to get naturally excited through kissing. I don’t think sex is a natural way to get excited, as least not for me, I don’t enjoy it, it hurts, and you have to put a lot of work into it, to get not much out of it, a few bits of cuming/climaxing, or whatever you want to call it – some liquid squirts out, is that it? What’s satisfying about that! Just like masturbation does nothing for me in terms of real excitement and I find it personally quite yucky as it makes me feel sick! Even though I can see how it can get addictive – that is also why I like to call myself a Grey A. The ironic thing is, I usually don’t like grey areas, I usually like everything to be black and white, but my sexuality is two fold. One, I am definitely asexual, I don’t call myself a Grey asexual, because there is no greyness over whether I am ace or not, but two, I don’t fit into the usual one size fits all heteroromantic because of my Grey areas, such as the passionate kissing with the tongue, bodies intertwined with clothes on that I like to enjoy, if I had a boyfriend and was in a monogamous, serious relationship. Until that time though, I don’t need to worry about that, and can focus on my career and helping other aces to grow and be comfortable and confident with their own asexuality.

This is what I am going to be talking about in my new ‘Asexual Perspectives, Love Life and Sex, ACElebration of Diversity’ book, that I have interviewed now around 40 asexuals for, who will appear in the book. That there are so many different perspectives within the variations of the asexual spectrum, that each one is valid and that even stereotypes within the asexual community exist, as well as the stereotypes that society gives to asexuals, such as we all want platonic friendships/relationships – whilst this is true that some do, some don’t! And we all have different experiences in our asexual journey, that we can share to help others, rather than being confined, we can come out!

If you like this blog, please subscribe and leave a comment, and I will catch you on the next blog post next week!

Sandra x


Putting Things Into Asexual Perspectives

Asexual Perspectives

I am so excited that I have now read through the majority of interviewee answers for my Asexual Perspectives, Love, Life and Sex, ACElebration of Diversity book.

I have been blown away by the amount of input and sharing of stories straight from the heart, to help other asexuals through this Asexual Perspectives book.

I cannot thank you enough for your support and dedication to our cause, of spreading asexuality awareness throughout the globe, to get it recognised as a sexual orientation in it’s own right so that no asexual has to feel alone or live in fear of ridicule ever again – I truly wish for this to happen more than anything.

I love writing it’s my huge passion and really hope I can spread the word, not just through this book; but other future books for asexuals, that may not all be the same lovely long length as this amazing one, but still awesome in a different way and in their own right.

And this is what this book is all about, asexuals sharing their diverse perspectives with the commonality of the lack of sexual attraction. It going to make for an extremely insightful, informative, educational, and helpful read. There are some emotional and humorous bits too – and all of it is from real asexuals that exist; who have survived and thrive. How blessed am I to have this fortune bestowed upon me, to be able to spread the word and help make a difference. I do feel truly blessed and grateful.

Sandra xx