On 08/08/2023 a long-awaited dream came true for me – I became a best selling author of – Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, Love, Life, and Sex, ACElebration of Asexual Diversity book – which was first published in Kindle format in January 2017, and the paperback version was published later in July 2017. Get your copy here https://amzn.to/44j4rdq
It’s been my dream since starting my www.quirkybooks.wordpress.com blog in 2010, way before I started helping asexuals in 2015, to have my own book publishing imprint called Quirky Books and to be a best selling author – I’m pleased to say I’ve now achieved both. But the fact I’ve done it while helping asexuals, puts the icing firmly on the cake and makes it the cherry on the top. Combining my two greatest life passions, writing non-fiction books that change live from pain to gain and helping asexuals – feels incredibly amazing and euphoric.
I honestly believe I was put on this earth this time around (I think I’ve been here before in a past life) to help asexuals. I believe God/Universe put me here to help asexuals with love, life, confidence, dating and relationships, so you can truly ACE your life, and to fulfil my life mission – of getting asexuality recognised as a sexual orientation in its own right throughout the globe, so no asexual has to live in fear of ridicule ever again. Whilever I’m alive I will try my utmost to achieve this, and my books will live on long after I’ve gone – as my lasting legacy to still help save and change lives for future generations to come.
On 08/08/2023 – Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, Love, Life, and Sex, ACElebration of Asexual Diversity book hit the Best Seller list in Human Sexuality – #51. This was an incredible achievement, not just for me personally in terms of achieving my dream, but because it was in a highly competitive category to be a best seller in, as most books in it, are traditional-style sex books, so it’s a huge achievement for an asexual book, and therefore asexuality – which is a sexual orientation based on the lack of sexual attraction – in case you’re not asexual, never heard of asexuality before, or confused.
It took me 7 years to become a registered publisher in the UK under Quirky Books. Which I achieved in 2017, and it was a dream come true for me.
And now it’s taken 6 years for Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, under that imprint, to become a best seller – as I published that in 2017 and now it’s 2023. So 6 years later I got my dream.
Yesterday I was updating my social media – and I shared this achievement on my LinkedIn profile…
And my friend saw it and posted this lovely post and kind words on LinkedIn about my Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories book – they recommended it as a #MustRead
It’s lovely when someone understands the true purpose and meaning behind your literacy work. Get your copy here https://amzn.to/44j4rdq

So however long it takes…
However many sleepless nights…
Late nights…
However many years…
I’m so thankful to have achieved all these dreams both for me and asexuals / asexuality.
What’s next for me and asexuality???
On 23rd October 2023, I’m going to be speaking live at Oxford University for bLU Talks and I’ve already been given a lot of prep I need to do for that. I’m co-authoring a bLU Talks books, the Foreword of which is by Ken Honda from Mind Valley, and I just revised the edits of my chapter a couple of days ago for that. Both of these are inclusive of asexuality. I will be using the chapter I wrote for that book, as my foundation for my Oxford talk, that is called 9 Steps To Reinvent Yourself To Become Your Future Self. It describes how I went from being a deeply lonely, shy, and introverted girl as a child, who was scared to be on social media in 2011 and was shy to talk about sex prior to finding out I’m asexual in 2014 – to what I do now, which is helping asexuals through my www.youtube.com/asexualisemyasexuallife channel since 2015, being publicly open about being asexual and about my asexual life – all over social media, and able to talk about sex and masturbation as easily as drinking water. I describe the transformational journey I went on, to become the extroverted, loud, bubbly, talkative person I am today. Without which, I would not be able to give a voice to asexuals and help them. Although my talk is going to be based on my chapter concept in the bLU Talks book – it doesn’t have to be and I can talk about whatever I want – so long as it helps the bLU Talks audience, that is mostly made up of entrepreneurs, creatives, and spiritual people. In case you were wondering, bLU stands for business, life and universe, so the talk needs to be relevant to any of those topics areas and suitable for their audience. They spell bLU with a lower case b for their branding – in case you thought it should be capitalised.
I also have a virtual stage talk I will be doing for bLU Talks in the future and I’ve completed the first stage of an initial application to a TedX UK event next year, to do a talk about asexuality – the organiser will have a Zoom call with me in January / February 2024, to explain how the process works from that initial application.
So I still have lots to achieve… and tons more to do.
Plus, I’m still finishing the final edits of my Asexual Guide To Sex book – a book I’ve been working on for over 4 years now.
AND…. All of this goes towards achieving my life mission of getting asexuality recognised as a sexual orientation in its own right throughout the globe, so no asexual has to live in fear of ridicule ever again.
I’ve also been given 2 High Five rewards #youtubehighfive by YouTube for my original channel https://www.youtube.com/quirkybooksTV which only has 172 subs as that was my first channel which also goes with my Quirky Books blog and my book publishing imprint, although it’s no longer my main channel, as my Asexualise My Asexual Life channel is, so I haven’t paid much attention to it until I got my first reward – it feels amazing that my hard work is finally being recognised by YouTube, and I’ve been interviewed on top rated podcasts talking about asexuality – more on that in later articles when those interviews go live.

I got 2 cinema codes from YouTube for FREE VUE cinema tickets. One I used to see Gran Turismo – amazing movie, which I did a movie review of on my Asexualise channel – see the video below, and the second one I will be redeeming before 2nd Of September.
Feels good to have been making so much progress this year, especially for asexuals and asexuality – as well as my Quirky Books / writing.
As always, stay ACE
Sandra xx
P.S. If you’ve not already done so, get your own copy of BEST SELLER asexual book – Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, Love, Life, and Sex, ACElebration of Asexual Diversity here https://amzn.to/44j4rdq
And you can still grab a copy of my autobiographical superhero-style Fibromyalgia Self-Help Handbook for half price (50% OFF) on Kindle OR Β£3.00 OFF the paperback here https://amzn.to/3YMKHhj until midnight UK time, on 31st August 2023. So grab a copy of that at the same time, if you want to reduce pain in 25 aspects of your life, have more energy and be happier – most of the methods I teach in this book for managing fibromyalgia (anxiety and depression) can help you even if you don’t have fibro, as they are transferable skills.
Whether you decide to buy the books or not, thanks for your continued support – I appreciate it so much xx