Asexual Perspectives Print Edition – More Book for Your Buck!

After painstaking months of working with the typesetter on my Asexual Perspectives book from January until around the end of March/beginning of April, and still having typesetting issues that needed to be sorted, and having spent another 3 nights last week, working on all those issues, I am relieved that I could finally print this final 560 page book proof, before I order a copy to check from Amazon, so I can finally hit the publish button to the world. Not long to go now… I cannot wait to hold this book in my hand!!

I must have edited it well over 15 times, considering all the editing I did prior to the typesetting, and it has gone through a final proof read and edit these past two days, and I am doing the typing up of those as we speak. I love writing but all the book formatting stuff is tough!!

Making a full-time living out of writing, is my dream, and my hugest passion is for asexuality, I really want to write more books for asexuals, as this is my huge specialist niche and I truly believe that I am born to get asexuality recognised as a sexual orientation in its own right throughout the globe, so that no asexual have to live in fear of ridicule ever again. The more people who buy, share, like, and give good reviews for this Asexual Perspectives book, the more that will help with this. I really need more amazing reviews, so when you get a copy, please could you leave one? It will really help me out!! Thank you!!

With 560 pages of insights into asexuality and how asexuals survive in a sexualised world; how they manage their relationships, and busting through many asexual myths and stereotypes about love, live and sex; including arousal and masturbation, it will be an intriguing read and answer many questions you may have about asexuality that are constantly on your mind, causing you confusion and frustration! It is told in the voices of 46 different asexuals around the globe, using their own language, dialects, slang and mannerisms! As well as my own. It took me almost a year to interview for it; write/edit it, so you are getting more book for your buck!! It is not only educational, but humorous too!!

Until next time, check out the Kindle Version and stay ace! xx

UPDATE: Asexual Perspectives Print Edition is out now and you can buy it here

Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories book and Author Sandra Bellamy


CONTROL – EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL – MANIPULATION – SIGNS TO WATCH OUT FOR! However much you may love someone or have strong feelings for them, don’t put up with emotional blackmail. In this video I explain what happened to me and some of the signs of control, emotional blackmail, and manipulation, that I experienced recently. I hope it helps!!

A lot of people believe that keeping your emotions to yourself, is what you should do. But letting them out, lets then go quicker, so I spoke this poem from my heart – “ESCAPE! Inspirational/Emotional Poem By Sandra Bellamy”.

10 Reasons Why Asexuals Are Beautiful!

1) Asexuals usually hold friendships in high regard, so you will feel valued if they are your friend.

2) Asexuals will focus on getting to know the inner you, so you will feel you are important to them.

3) Asexuals see the world in a way that other’s don’t, and that is a special gift.

4) Asexuals often like to keep busy with various activities and hobbies, which makes conversation with them, interesting and stimulating.

5) If an asexual invites you out for coffee to get to know you, they literally mean what they say, and they are not trying to get into your underwear!!

6) Asexuals will not be trying to constantly impress you based on their looks, so you want sex with them; as they ususually don’t want sex and don’t ‘need’ it.

7) Asexuals are often different and quirky, and therefore make interesting characters.

8) Asexuals know what it feels like to be in a minority, so are often empathetic to others who feel alone or singled out.

9) Many asexuals are kind; caring and friendly, and value those who share those traits.

10) Many asexuals are strong and tough, because they have often come up against resistance to being different.

What other things make asexuals beautiful? Share in the comments below and stay ace xx.


Asexual Perspectives
Asexual Perspectives: 47 Asexual Stories: Love, Life and Sex, ACElebration of Asexual Diversity.

I get many asexuals asking me in private messages about various aspects of asexuality and there seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding what makes a person asexual. It would seem that the more questions I get asked, the more I keep referring to my book, and it would seem that maybe people just don’t realise how much valuable information and advice there is within my Asexual Perspectives book, or that pretty much most questions can be answered by reading this book!

Asexual Perspectives is no ordinary Asexual book. It is made up of real asexuals, who tell their very own thoughts and intimate personal details to help you. It is written in their language, in their dialect, and it explains what asexuals really think about sexual attraction and what it means to them. It explains what they believe is the difference between sexual attraction and sexual desire, and the difference between sexual attraction and arousal. It explains how aromantics feel that friendship is not valued enough, and how hard it can be when all of your friends are pairing off and having a family. It explains asexuals views on masturbation, BDSM, kinks and porn, and whether they take part or not. This is a book that already assumes you are asexual, or have a good idea of what asexuality is. It gets down to the nitty gritty of what causes the confusion about being asexual, about other asexuals on the spectrum and is educational, informative and even entertaining in parts!! It deals with serious ace issues, in a way that is relatable, with doses of humour here and there.

I interviewed Asexuals from across the spectrum and living in various places around the globe. From teenagers to the more mature aces, the age range is as diverse as the book. I read the reviews of other Asexual books on Amazon, before I started writing this one. The criticism was, there was not enough real life asexual stories – asexuals telling their own experiences, thoughts and feelings, about ace matters, and how it personally affects them. I was prompted to write this book because I was told I could not identify as a heteroromantic, Grey A, on AVEN, because I was not the text book Grey A definition, because I did not experience sexual attraction! I am not the only one who has been told they cannot identify like they do!! So in my book I address this and redefine Grey A as I see it. This book has asexuals offering advice to other asexuals, it explains other’s mistakes, to help you not to make the same ones. It really is an ace book!!

For those of you who need lots of asexual questions answered – the answers are in this book!! This book took me almost a whole year to write, it is a big book, that pacts an ace punch, I hope you will learn as much about asexuality across the spectrum, as I did writing it!

You can get Asexual Perspectives here:

Until next time, stay ace!


Can An Asexual Still Be Sexy?

Can An Asexual Still Be Sexy? This is a great question. There are many myths and stereotypes about asexuality, and just because someone is asexual, does not meant to say that someone cannot find you sexy. Sexy is a matter of perception by the person experiencing that feeling.


What Are Aromantic Struggles?

I know how hard it can be to be a romantic asexual, but aromantics, also struggle too! For example, I know how hard it can be for them to form close relationships, for fear of it being misinterpreted as wanting more. And also, how hard it can be to distinguish if another aromantic just cares for them as a friend, or more!!

Some people think that aromantics just want platonic friendships, and not a relationship. But whilst this may be true for some aromantics, it simply is not true for others! And especially if they are somewhere on the grey-romantic spectrum.

Find out more about aromantic struggles and relationships by watching the videos above.

If you are aromantic, what do you struggle with the most? Friendships? Or a potential relationship?

How To Have Passion Without Sex!

I just had to put this video together for you. I still love passion but without the sex. How can you have passion but without sex? And what if you are aromatic, how does that work? I hope you enjoy this how to have passion without sex video and let me know what you think!!

What Is Clothes Attraction?

What Is Clothes Attraction? You have probably heard of most types of attractions, but have you ever heard of clothes attraction? Clothes attraction is when you get attracted to a person because of particular clothes they wear or you find them more attractive because of specific clothes they wear. I like the street look on a guy and the leather jacket biker look – like the character Danny Zuko in Grease – I find both looks very asexy. What about you? What are your thoughts on this? Watch the video to find out more!


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Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories book and Author Sandra Bellamy

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I created my Asexualise channel, called Asexualise My Asexual Life, to Empower And Enhance Your Asexual Life. It is my mission to give asexuals a voice in the world; to empower asexuals to be comfortable and confident with their asexuality; and to give insight into my colourful asexual life, to enable others to better understand their own and to know they are not alone. I want to educate others about asexuality, so that in the future, all asexuals can live in society happily.



Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories book and Author Sandra Bellamy

If you did not already know. I have written and published a book for Asexuals called Asexual Perspectives, Love, Life and Sex, ACElebration of Asexual Diversity. I interviewed 46 asexuals around the globe for it about what they really think of love, life and sex, in order to create more understanding across the spectrum, and especially after I was told in a forum on Aven that I could not identify as I describe myself because I did not fit into the definition of Grey A as they saw it. Other asexuals approached me and said they too felt left out and that they were told they could not be who they are. As a minority group, I felt so appalled that some asexuals treat other asexuals in this manner and felt compelled to write a book that showed although we share a lack of asexual attraction, just how much we vary in our experiences, our likes, needs, wants and dislikes. I want our diversity to be embraced, not torn apart.

Asexual Perspectives came out on Kindle last month and the printed version will be available soon. It took me almost a year to write it and I hope it helps a lot of asexuals to understand that there are others just like us out there and that we can be ourselves and love without sex, live without sex and be happy without sex. I also wanted to find out just what sexual attraction means to different aces on the spectrum and why they feel that asexuality is not accepted as a form of sexual orientation in its own right by society and what they think can be done about this.

This is the link to it on You can get it on Amazon stores across the globe, so you can just click the option in the top right of your screen to view it on your country’s site. It is free to read on Kindle Unlimited at the moment and you can read my own personal story just from the look inside preview. You can also read most of another personal story from a person in this group…

This is the description:

In broad terms Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction, but what does this actually mean for those who identify with this sexual orientation? And what do asexuals really think of love, life and sex?

Whilst all asexuals have one thing in common – the lack of sexual attraction towards a specific person, we are all different in our likes, needs, wants and dislikes. This can make fitting into the asexual spectrum and finding a suitable relationship difficult.

Right now, there are a number of myths about asexuality and stereotypes – even within the asexual community, about what asexuals do and do not like, should and should not do, and these need to be addressed and broken through!

If you identify as asexual do you –

Struggle to have a voice in this sexualized world?
Feel alone?
Left out?
Not recognised?
Have no one to relate to?
Find it difficult to find others like you?
Feel like everyone is speaking a foreign language where sex is concerned?

Or are you unsure of your identity and sometimes get confused and you want to know what asexuals really think of Love, Life and Sex, and what experiences they have had or are having; and how they manage their relationships? If so, then look no further than this book. In this book you will discover asexuals who feel just like you.

In this book I will reveal my own asexual perspective and personal story as well as perspectives from 46 asexuals around the globe; dispelling myths and breaking stereotypes; sharing their own personal journey to help you in yours and with a surprising over-riding message!

In this book you will:

•Learn the asexual perspectives of Aromantics; Heteroromantics; Homoromantics; Panromantics; Grey Aces; Demi-sexual; Biromantic; Agender; Transgender; Polyamorous and many more.

•Uncover Asexuals’ deepest fears, concerns and worries about being asexual.

•Find out possible reasons why, in general, society does not accept asexuality as a sexual orientation in its own right and what we can do about this to change the world!

•Discover what asexuals really believe are the differences between sexual attraction, sexual desire and arousal.

•Find out what asexuals really think of nudity; porn; masturbation; BDSM and kinks.

•Discover what it feels like to have sex as an asexual and how to cope with the sexualized world that we live in.

•Find out what asexuals think about living together, about marriage and about having kids.

•Discover what an ideal asexual relationship would look like and whether asexuals believe a relationship with a sexual would be fair or not.

•Uncover the positives about being asexual.

•Find out what advice asexuals would give to a younger version of themselves regarding asexuality and what advice they would give to others who are just discovering they may be asexual.

I feel truly blessed that all interviewees have been willing to open up and share their most intimate moments, thoughts, feelings and emotions with you. What you are about to read is unique, amazing, interesting, sometimes candidly humorous, fascinating and insightful. This is their story, now it’s their time to tell it.

If you have resonated with any of these points and you want to know more, please invest in this book.
Heteroromantic, Author Sandra Bellamy is the founder of, with products, resources and services for asexuals. She sees herself as an ambassador for asexuality and is on a mission to get asexuality recognised as a sexual orientation in its own right throughout the globe so that no asexual has to live in fear of ridicule ever again. By purchasing this book you will gain a deeper understanding of this often misunderstood sexual orientation and help to spread awareness of asexuality at the same time. We may be small in numbers, but we can still make a huge difference to the world at large and celebrate our diversity.